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The Generations
December 15, 2022, 2:50 PM



Us older generation remember our parents were called the greatest generation.  Why?  Because even though a majority grew up in poverty, lack and war they were a generation who didn't feel sorry for themselves but a people who worked hard and sacrificed for those around them.  Mothers and fathers would skip meals saying they were not hungry when in reality there was not enough food for them and the children.  Fathers would work long hours in shoes with holes in them to provide for those he loved.  Mothers would sacrifice their desires and even needs for the sake of their families. They were tough, resilient and took pride in being the best they could be, not being a victim but a champion for their families.  Contrast that with this current generation.  The generation of everyone gets a trophy.  For so many, everything has become about them.  Where is the work ethic?  Where is the respect for others. Where is the sacrifice for those they love. They chose to be a victim rather than a champion. You can't be a winner if you are always looking for the free trophy.  When you are the priority in your life you have a very narcissistic shallow existence. 2 Timothy 3:2 clearly speaks of this generation. Sadly this generation will probably be remembered as the weakest generation.  It doesn't have to be that way.  Give your life to Christ.  Mimic his character as the greatest generation did.  Be a Victor not a victim.  The choice is yours, free trophy or respect......

Chose Jesus




08-03-2023 at 7:25 PM
Stanley Afakorzi
Man of God I suggest you make a Telegram Channel and Post The Videos on there
08-03-2023 at 7:24 PM
Stanley Afakorzi
Man of God I suggest you make a Telegram Channel amd Post The Videos on there
05-02-2023 at 12:51 AM
Anuforo, Prince.
Thank you Ma.
04-03-2023 at 5:48 AM
Stanley Kofi Afakorzi
I choose Jesus
12-31-2022 at 12:43 PM
Joseph mustapha
Beautiful. I have made the choice to be selfless and be a godly example to the up coming Generation. Blessings
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